Award ke-3
Diposting oleh Bantul Poenya | Label: Award | Posted On 31 Agustus 2009
Award lagi award lagi ih senengya.... Satu hari dapet 2 award? Berkah Ramadhan memang ga tanggung tanggung
aku dapet award lagi dari mba nophie, dua lagi... oke wong nganggo boso inggris aku radong (jowo bgt ya),
yo wes tak copas kabeh soko mba nophie:
award 1

Award above implies:
* Green statue : symbolizes the new blogger buddies
* Yellow statue: represents the blogger buddies who are always active
* Blue statue : symbolized with blogger buddies with high PR (Page Rank)
* Red Platform : symbolizes that we are all the same, whether beginners to
seniors is summarized in one place, with the same blood color red, and we are
Award 2

All of this award will give to friends that listed below, of course take that u don't have yet, dont forget to finalize the term of each award u take :
1 Fian
2 Seby-Anto
3 Ziendo
4 Kaisar Online
5 Ichinx
6 Blog ga jelas
To all of friends who listed above. Please take that awards.....
aku dapet award lagi dari mba nophie, dua lagi... oke wong nganggo boso inggris aku radong (jowo bgt ya),
yo wes tak copas kabeh soko mba nophie:
award 1

Award above implies:
* Green statue : symbolizes the new blogger buddies
* Yellow statue: represents the blogger buddies who are always active
* Blue statue : symbolized with blogger buddies with high PR (Page Rank)
* Red Platform : symbolizes that we are all the same, whether beginners to
seniors is summarized in one place, with the same blood color red, and we are
Award 2

All of this award will give to friends that listed below, of course take that u don't have yet, dont forget to finalize the term of each award u take :
1 Fian
2 Seby-Anto
3 Ziendo
4 Kaisar Online
5 Ichinx
6 Blog ga jelas
To all of friends who listed above. Please take that awards.....
thx yaah mas,. hd0o bNyak dpet award niy.. p0stingnya nysul ea..
I can see so many loving faces, They're turn back and leave nothing in pieces. I saw Him fly and I saw in His eyes. He'll never coming back.
Wadoh.. gimana dapetin award2 itu yach?
Minat jalanin bisnis online gak mas?
selamat yah dah dapat award.
yang pertama keren tuh
Makin banyak award, makin banyak rejeki
bener ga sob
kalo saya sedang menunggu award piala oscar
ada ga yah ^0^
Thank you for the visit.
selamat ya buat awardnya,sukses selalu
selamat aja deh..ikut bersuka...
wew.... next award :)
seperti menarik neh
mantab nih awardnya...tetap semangat...
Selamat atas awardnya.... keep posting
selamat yah gan..
semoga bermanfaat
mana awardku, ha ha
terima kasih atas awardnya